Capital City Air, L.L.C.
Jefferson City, Missouri

Spring and Fall Tune-Ups

Why are Spring and Fall Tune-Ups so Important?

Tune-Ups ensure that your unit is running at its peak efficiency saving you money.  When your equiptment is serviced seasonally you are taking preventative measures against unwanted problems that always seem to occur on the hottest or coldest of days.

For more information and pricing call us at 573-644-2667!  We look forward to hearing from you.

Fall Tune-Ups

-Complete check up and service of the heating system
-Maintenance of humidifiers
-Change of filters

-Check burner operation
-Check heat exchanger
-Check heat anticipator
-Check safety controls
-Check temperature rise through furnace
-Check for proper combustion
-Check gas line and manifold pressures
-Check pressure regulator
-Check and adjust blower components for winter use
-Check fan and limit control

SpringTune-Ups -- $79.95

-Complete check up and service of the cooling system
-Check of charge (will add freon if needed for additional cost)
-Check of all electrical connections
-Change of filters (1" filter included)
-Check all electrical connections
-Lubricate all moving parts where necessary
-Check operating pressures
-Check starting capabilities
-Check and clean condenser coil
-Check safety controls

-Check for correct air flow
-Check for proper temperature difference
-Check voltage and amperage on motors
-Clean Condensate drain
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